Julius playing with his cousin Meya
Playing in the water at Gällnö
Enjoying a day of summer in Varberg
Today it is raining in Stockholm ..but it is so much fun to play in the water:-)
EnJOyInG A NiCE IceCrEAm on ThE RIviEra!
pRaCtICing hiS GaME....
ThRoWinG sOMe RockS in ThE PonD..
CoOoL DudE..
JuLius PuTTinG his DoLL tO SLeEp...
ExPLOrinG ThE FoREst...
yeaH he Can WaLK noW:-)
WaTering ThE planTS with GrandPA and couSin NellY!
oohhhHH some SanD in The BucKet!!
A TAsty FoOt!
eaTing A yuMmy OrAnge:-)
BEauTiFul SpRINg flOWers...
LucKy JuliUS!! gettiNG curlY hAir like His DAd:-)
GrANdma LiSA viSiTINg in StocKHolm:-)
HaVING some FUn with MiRA!