lASt weekENd JUliuS waS iLL:-(
FUn on the SWing :-)
tut TUT!!!!!
ChecKINg OUt the RAbbitS at the LOCAl zOo!!
MEetING with RiCO the Dog in the PaRK:-) voff voff
Let THe PaRTy!! begin!!!! Now at HOMe for my first day of PATERniTY lEAve!!! TodaY we are AT IBIZA!!!!
thE FuTure ARtisT:-) !!!!!!!!!!!
LeArninG to EaT wiTh a SpoOn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Little Santa:-)
Julius taking a bath with his duck and his mom!
he has learnt to stand up now:-)
this morning I had the pleasure of celebrating father's day...with my wonderful boy..
hiding under the blanket...
going wild on the djembe
making his angry face...
big blue eyes...
Julius in the clouds...
julius enjoying jumping, bouncing and dancing around...
My family:-)